Project start november 2022 Project end october 2025
Status In progress Contacts

Forest EcoValue

Submitted by anna.zampolini on Tue, 03/14/2023 - 11:34

The project Forest EcoValue intends to support multiple forest ecosystem services through new circular/green/bio markets and value chains. It is co-funded under the Interreg Alpine Space Programme 2021 – 2027 and officially started with the kick-off meeting held in Turin in November 2022.

The forest eco-value project moves from some matters of fact:

•    Ecosystem Services are the direct and indirect benefits that people receive from the ecosystem. 
With this respect, forests play a key role for climate change mitigation and resilience in the Alpine region, by offering multiple ecosystem services and environmental social benefits, such as Carbon sequestration, air pollution reduction, increase of biodiversity, resilience to natural risks and many others.

•    Forests of the Alpine space are threatened by abandonment, climate change and territorial degradation that progressively lead to a pauperization of natural resources and to a decrease in the provision of forest ecosystem services.

•    Forest maintenance costs are high and often cannot generate a sufficient economic income for the public and private owners: public funds and the revenues from the traditional wood value chains are no longer sufficient and the attraction of additional resources becomes an evident need. 
Some compelling examples of economic valuation methods and payment schemes already exist, such as for carbon credits, but it is necessary to explore new business models and define the economic conditions in relation to the multiple ecosystem services of forests.

The three-year Forest EcoValue project intends to tackle this challenge and turn it into an opportunity, by developing innovative sustainable win-win business models for forest management and maintenance, based on green value chains, and involving different sectors (energy, construction, chemistry/pharma, food, recreation etc.), public and private actors, as well as citizens. 
The project will propose new frameworks for public-private markets and payment schemes, maximizing the value of forest ecosystem services towards the regional value chains. The project is based on the evidence that the restoration and maintenance of healthy forests can generate value for the benefit of the entire Alpine region, as well as foster the development of green businesses and sustainable job opportunities in the alpine communities. 

Forest EcoValue brings together partners from 5 European countries and involves 10 organizations of different types and with complementary skills, ranging from the mapping of ecosystem services, forest management, green economy supply chains, environmental economics, financial modeling, up to analysis of public policies and capacity building.

The Forest EcoValue project supports the Macroregional Strategy for the Alpine area EUSALP and aims to collaborate with its Action Groups on key domains related to sustainable forest management and ecosystem services valuation. Also, the Forest EcoValue project supports the objectives of the Alpine Convention, particularly on mountain forestry, climate change adaptation and biodiversity protection.

Project focus
Economic models for local development
Role of Finpiemonte
Project coordinator
Funding Programme
Interreg Alpine Space Programme
Project Partners
• Finpiemonte / IT
• FLA - Lombardy Foundation for the Environment / IT
• Biobase / AT
• INRAe National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment / FR
• Slovenia Forest Service / SI
• Ifuplan - Institute for Environmental Planning and Spatial Development GmbH & Co. KG / DE
• Lombardy Green Chemistry Association / IT
• Regional Centre for Forest Property AUVERGNE-RHONEALPES / FR
• Finpiemonte / IT

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